bit-iter 0.1.6

Iterate forward or backwards over the positions of set bits in a word.


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Iterate forwards or backwards over the positions of bits set in a word.

A BitIter may be constructed from any integral value, and returns the positions of the 1 bits in ascending order.

BitIter implements DoubleEndedIterator, so you can iterate over the positions of the set bits in descending order too.


fn main() {
    use bit_iter::*;

    let x : u32 = 0x10001;

    for b in BitIter::from(x) {
        println!("Bit {} is set.", b);

    println!("In reverse order:");

    for b in BitIter::from(x).rev() {
        println!("Bit {} is set.", b);


Bit 0 is set.
Bit 16 is set.
In reverse order:
Bit 16 is set.
Bit 0 is set.